When you want to get fit, lose a few pounds, drop a dress size and reach your fitness goals you want it to be time efficient, effective and convenient and Mobile Personal training is exactly that. Our professional mobile personal trainers will come to you at your home bringing some of the best equipment in the industry to help you achieve your goals.
Your training session will be fun, enjoyable and always new exercises to learn and kit to master and you won't need to sign a long gym contract or travel anywhere. We do not need a gym or fancy gym equipment. Our trainers have the knowledge, experience and excellent mobile equipment to help you reach your goals.Want to lose weight, tone up or drop a dress size, yet not a fan of the gym? Our professional personal trainers are fully mobile, they'll bring all the equipment needed, ready to deliver your bespoke exercise programme tailored to your likes & dislikes. Whether it's to lose weight, tone up, run a marathon or simply get in shape, personal training can help you achieve your goals.
For as little as £15 per month you can have your own personal trainer. Stephenson Stride fits around your lifestyle to help you achieve your goals. These online programmes can be done, from home, in the gym, outside or on your travels. All programmes have video demonstrations of every exercise. You can also track measurement and tack progress photos.
Step 1: Fill in the online consultation form to advice your trainer of any injuries or illness you may have, what days of the week you can train, what equipment you have access to and what your goals are.
Step 2: Follow the programme and check in when you have completed your scheduled exercise.
Step 3: Achieve the results you have always wanted.
Sign up today to get started stright away on your new online personal trainer.